Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bounce- Theme

I think the theme of this book was not to give up, that everything will get better. I thought this because even though Evyn had to move, had six step brothers and sisters, and had Eleni as a stepmother, she realized it wasn't that bad. She thought at first that the GLUE family would be the worst thing ever, but by the end she realizes it's not that bad because she still has Mackey and Birdie just like before.Also, even though Evyn had to move, and was loosing her friendship with Jules, everything got better. Her stepbrother Linnus was the one who understood her, who found her when she ran away, and who took her in when she felt most alone. Jules wanted to befriend the popular group who they had both always hated, and didn't want Evyn to come see her when she was in the worst place ever. Plus, she had to move from Maine to Massachusetts, to a school where nobody really liked her, and her dog died. But in the end, Evyn learned to love and accept her new family, she got Jules to hate the popular crowd again, and she learned to accept the fact that she'd be living in Boston, sharing a home with multiple people.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Favorite book club character

Even though he's not all too popular, I'd want to meet Mackey. He tries to make the best out of the situation him and his sister are in, having their father re-marry. He tries out for a play and gets the lead role, and doesn't complain that he'll be in front of people performing. Even though he has to share a bedroom, just like everyone else, he doesn't mind it like Evyn does. He might be made fun of, and kind of boring because of his blemished face or his gruntled speach, but he's really nice and tries to help others see they don't have it so bad. Evyn oh the other hand, is a bit too melodramatic. She takes her stepmother's money and runs away all because her dog died. Mackey, just let it pass and said that the dog was old and it was bound to happen eventually. Mackey is more laid back and understanding about most things than Evyn is, and that's why I'd want to meet him.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Favorite Character

My favorite character of all time has to be Jasper Renn from Kady Cross's book, The Girl in the Clockwork Collar. In the beggining of this book, he was a criminal, coming to England to escape his jurisdiction. But, by the end, he was proven not guilty, and he was extremely sweet. He loved the girl who betrayed him and accused him of killing somebody, when it was really her, even though he knew this. When his friends bailed him out of his bad situation, he was greateful, but didn't understand why the trusted him so much. He was staying with the Duke of Greythorne in England, where nobody would come for him. When the men took him away, they thought they were policemen, but really they were people who worked for his old boss, an actual convict. Also, when he came to Duke, he was sly and mysterious about his past, and by the end when they came to get him, he told them everything of his past. Like how he took the blame for the woman he loved. I related well to this character because, just as he did, I always take the blame for someone I love. I don't let them get into trouble, when I could get myself out easier, so I take the blame so they don't have to.